Overcoming Addiction and Giving Back to the Community

From guest to volunteer, Will's story shows the transformative power of helping others.
May 10, 2023
Overcoming Addiction and Giving Back to the Community

As one of our regular guests at the Mission, Will has been benefiting from our services for approximately four months. Recently, he has taken on a new role as a volunteer at Freedom Road Day Center. Will's cheerful demeanor and willingness to assist with checking in our line guests are both great assets when it comes to serving our community. Check out Will's story below!

“My parents divorced when I was just four years old. I was mainly raised by my grandparents. My mom worked a full-time job plus overtime. It was only myself and my younger brother. My addiction was unlike any other addiction but an addiction still the same. The more I got it, the more I wanted it. When I didn’t get it, I craved it. Since coming to the Mission, one of the ways I have learned to conquer the urge is by volunteering here at the Freedom Road Day Center. By helping others, I’ve helped myself as well. I am constantly learning to draw closer to God. While being here I have grown closer to the Lord. Since coming to the Mission my cravings for my addiction are not as strong as they were, and they will continue to fade if I stay focused on the Lord. I came here this past December initially for services. I joined the Freedom Road Day Center in January and just started volunteering my time and help about a month ago. I usually assist in getting all the line guests checked in and I also help with directing group games and lending advice and guidance wherever I can. I now have goals for the future. First, to remain free from my addiction. Second, to find a steady job to support me. Third, to get transportation and housing. Finally, to continue helping with the Freedom Road Day Center. I want to continue learning from others and hope that others can one day learn from me."
